查询信息 : 37 queries 13 writes
缓存信息 : 1 reads,0 writes
配置加载 : 67
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\public\index.php ( 1.35 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\base.php ( 2.60 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Loader.php ( 21.07 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\composer\autoload_static.php ( 5.33 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\topthink\think-helper\src\helper.php ( 2.88 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\ezyang\htmlpurifier\library\HTMLPurifier.composer.php ( 0.10 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\topthink\think-captcha\src\helper.php ( 1.59 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Route.php ( 60.23 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Config.php ( 6.38 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Validate.php ( 41.63 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\topthink\think-queue\src\common.php ( 1.19 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Console.php ( 23.13 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Error.php ( 3.75 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\convention.php ( 10.37 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\App.php ( 21.54 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Request.php ( 49.78 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\config.php ( 9.53 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\data\conf\config.php ( 0.14 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\database.php ( 0.73 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\data\conf\database.php ( 0.49 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\debug.php ( 0.69 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Hook.php ( 4.71 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\tags.php ( 1.33 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Env.php ( 1.21 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\common.php ( 58.94 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\helper.php ( 17.30 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Debug.php ( 7.13 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\behavior\InitHookBehavior.php ( 2.58 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\extend\think\facade\Route.php ( 0.74 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Cache.php ( 6.10 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Log.php ( 6.05 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\cache\driver\File.php ( 7.27 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\cache\Driver.php ( 5.98 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Collection.php ( 10.91 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Lang.php ( 7.23 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\lang\zh-cn.php ( 11.81 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\route.php ( 0.75 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\data\conf\route.php ( 2.03 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\behavior\LangBehavior.php ( 1.20 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\extend\think\facade\Lang.php ( 0.73 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\lang\zh-cn.php ( 3.08 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\admin\lang\zh-cn\common.php ( 0.60 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\admin1\lang\zh-cn\common.php ( 0.60 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\lang\zh-cn\common.php ( 0.76 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\common.php ( 0.63 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\lang\zh-cn.php ( 0.93 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\behavior\InitAppHookBehavior.php ( 2.03 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\controller\IndexController.php ( 14.46 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\controller\HomeBaseController.php ( 8.02 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\controller\BaseController.php ( 2.50 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Controller.php ( 6.07 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\traits\controller\Jump.php ( 4.90 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\extend\think\facade\Hook.php ( 1.46 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Cookie.php ( 7.54 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Db.php ( 6.67 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\db\connector\Mysql.php ( 3.89 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\db\Connection.php ( 29.97 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\db\Query.php ( 93.74 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\db\builder\Mysql.php ( 4.53 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\db\Builder.php ( 31.55 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\View.php ( 6.77 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\view\driver\Think.php ( 5.64 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Template.php ( 44.90 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\template\driver\File.php ( 2.24 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\admin\model\GoodsCategoryModel.php ( 11.06 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Model.php ( 69.14 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\model\Collection.php ( 2.27 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\model\PortalCategoryModel.php ( 9.07 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\admin\model\IpModel.php ( 0.76 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\model\PortalPostModel.php ( 11.73 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\model\PortalCategoryPostModel.php ( 0.80 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\admin\model\ThemeModel.php ( 8.12 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\lib\taglib\Cmf.php ( 11.56 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\template\TagLib.php ( 12.30 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\template\taglib\Cx.php ( 23.82 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\data\runtime\temp\3a98063ce1afbd5c0fe97635e25ad709.php ( 19.85 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Url.php ( 12.72 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery.php ( 41.76 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery\DOMEvent.php ( 2.25 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery\DOMDocumentWrapper.php ( 22.46 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery\phpQueryEvents.php ( 4.85 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery\Callback.php ( 4.02 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery\phpQueryObject.php ( 87.75 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\vendor\electrolinux\phpquery\phpQuery\phpQuery\compat\mbstring.php ( 1.51 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\lib\Storage.php ( 3.89 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\lib\storage\Local.php ( 2.86 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\Response.php ( 8.28 KB )
C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\library\think\debug\Html.php ( 4.17 KB )
[ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\InitHookBehavior @app_init [ RunTime:0.003128s ]
[ LANG ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\thinkphp\lang\zh-cn.php
[ ROUTE ] array ( 'type' => 'module', 'module' => array ( 0 => 'portal', 1 => 'index', 2 => 'newsdetails', ), )
[ HEADER ] array ( 'referer' => 'http://www.lenovo-chengdu.com', 'accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate', 'accept' => '*/*', 'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/6.0', 'host' => 'www.lenovo-chengdu.com', 'content-length' => '', 'content-type' => '', )
[ PARAM ] array ( 'id' => '461', )
[ LANG ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\simplewind\cmf\behavior/../lang\zh-cn.php
[ LANG ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\public/../app/admin\lang\zh-cn\common.php
[ LANG ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\public/../app/admin1\lang\zh-cn\common.php
[ LANG ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\public/../app/portal\lang\zh-cn\common.php
[ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\LangBehavior @app_begin [ RunTime:0.002304s ]
[ LANG ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\public/../app/portal\lang\zh-cn.php
[ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\InitAppHookBehavior @module_init [ RunTime:0.000454s ]
[ DB ] INIT mysql
[ RUN ] app\portal\controller\IndexController->newsDetails[ C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\app\portal\controller\IndexController.php ]
[ VIEW ] C:\phpstudy_pro\WWW\lenovo\lenovo\public/themes/dell/portal\\newsDetails.html [ array ( 0 => 'nav', 1 => 'foot', 2 => 'site_info', 3 => 'info', 4 => 'portalcategory', 5 => 'pre', 6 => 'next', 7 => 'categories', 8 => 'theme_vars', 9 => 'theme_widgets', ) ]
[ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000791s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=lenovo;charset=utf8mb4
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_option` [ RunTime:0.000745s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'cdn_settings' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000235s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => NULL, 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => NULL, 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => NULL, 'filtered' => NULL, 'extra' => 'no matching row in const table', ) ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_goods_category` [ RunTime:0.000789s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 0 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000318s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000358s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 2 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000355s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 3 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000393s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 14 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000297s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 15 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000294s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 16 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000296s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_goods_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 17 AND `delete_time` = 0 [ RunTime:0.000292s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_goods_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 2.777777910232544, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.000672s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 0 AND `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 LIMIT 3 [ RunTime:0.000266s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 3, 'filtered' => 33.333335876464844, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_ip` [ RunTime:0.000554s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_ip` WHERE `ip` = '' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.377038s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_ip', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 230926, 'filtered' => 9.999999046325684, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] INSERT INTO `cmf_ip` (`ip` , `addtime`) VALUES ('' , 1726186826) [ RunTime:0.002753s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_post` [ RunTime:0.005770s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post` WHERE `id` = 461 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004478s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_portal_category_post` [ RunTime:0.001676s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `category_id` FROM `cmf_portal_category_post` WHERE `post_id` = 461 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002920s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 437, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `post_id` FROM `cmf_portal_category_post` WHERE `category_id` = 5 AND `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.001998s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'term_taxonomy_id', 'key' => 'term_taxonomy_id', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 187, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post` WHERE ( `id` < 461 AND `id` IN (1,4,7,9,11,13,16,20,23,26,28,32,34,38,43,46,49,53,55,58,63,65,68,70,72,75,78,82,86,90,94,96,99,103,107,109,111,113,116,118,121,123,126,129,132,135,138,141,144,147,149,152,155,159,163,165,168,171,174,178,182,186,190,193,196,199,202,204,206,209,212,214,216,221,225,229,232,234,238,241,244,246,249,253,257,266,269,273,277,281,284,286,289,290,295,298,300,304,307,311,314,318,321,324,327,330,333,338,342,345,349,352,354,356,358,360,363,367,370,373,375,379,381,385,389,390,394,396,400,402,405,409,411,416,419,421,425,427,430,432,437,439,442,444,448,452,455,456,461,462,467,469,474,475,478,481,485,487,490,493,496,499,502,503,506,509,512,514,517,521,525,526,529,531,534,537,542,543,545,549,552,555,558,563,564) ) AND `post_type` = 1 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.004176s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ref', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY,type_status_date', 'key' => 'type_status_date', 'key_len' => '2', 'ref' => 'const,const', 'rows' => 566, 'filtered' => 4.836601257324219, 'extra' => 'Using index condition; Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_post` WHERE ( `id` > 461 AND `id` IN (1,4,7,9,11,13,16,20,23,26,28,32,34,38,43,46,49,53,55,58,63,65,68,70,72,75,78,82,86,90,94,96,99,103,107,109,111,113,116,118,121,123,126,129,132,135,138,141,144,147,149,152,155,159,163,165,168,171,174,178,182,186,190,193,196,199,202,204,206,209,212,214,216,221,225,229,232,234,238,241,244,246,249,253,257,266,269,273,277,281,284,286,289,290,295,298,300,304,307,311,314,318,321,324,327,330,333,338,342,345,349,352,354,356,358,360,363,367,370,373,375,379,381,385,389,390,394,396,400,402,405,409,411,416,419,421,425,427,430,432,437,439,442,444,448,452,455,456,461,462,467,469,474,475,478,481,485,487,490,493,496,499,502,503,506,509,512,514,517,521,525,526,529,531,534,537,542,543,545,549,552,555,558,563,564) ) AND `post_type` = 1 AND `post_status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002725s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_post', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'range', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY,type_status_date', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 36, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000289s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'const', 'possible_keys' => 'PRIMARY', 'key' => 'PRIMARY', 'key_len' => '8', 'ref' => 'const', 'rows' => 1, 'filtered' => 100.0, 'extra' => NULL, ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_portal_post` SET `post_hits`=`post_hits`+1 WHERE `id` = 461 [ RunTime:0.002820s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_portal_category` WHERE `parent_id` = 0 AND `status` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 LIMIT 3 [ RunTime:0.000298s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_portal_category', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 3, 'filtered' => 33.333335876464844, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.000665s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/aboutus' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000287s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 14, 'filtered' => 7.142856597900391, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] INSERT INTO `cmf_theme_file` (`theme` , `action` , `file` , `name` , `more` , `config_more` , `description` , `is_public` , `list_order`) VALUES ('dell' , 'portal/index/aboutUs' , 'portal/aboutus' , '搜索页面' , '{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , '{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , '搜索模板文件' , 0 , 10) [ RunTime:0.003413s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/details' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000303s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 15, 'filtered' => 6.666666030883789, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='dell',`action`='portal/index/details',`file`='portal/details',`name`='搜索页面',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='搜索模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/details' [ RunTime:0.002222s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/index' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000284s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 15, 'filtered' => 6.666666030883789, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='dell',`action`='portal/Index/index',`file`='portal/index',`name`='首页',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"top_slide\":{\"title\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"admin\\/Slide\\/index\",\"multi\":false},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"tip\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true},\"valueText\":\"\\u9996\\u9875\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\"}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"top_slide\":{\"title\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"value\":\"\",\"type\":\"text\",\"dataSource\":{\"api\":\"admin\\/Slide\\/index\",\"multi\":false},\"placeholder\":\"\\u8bf7\\u9009\\u62e9\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"tip\":\"\\u9876\\u90e8\\u5e7b\\u706f\\u7247\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='首页模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=5 WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/index' [ RunTime:0.002876s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/news' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000291s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 15, 'filtered' => 6.666666030883789, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='dell',`action`='portal/index/news',`file`='portal/news',`name`='搜索页面',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='搜索模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/news' [ RunTime:0.002839s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/newsdetails' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000288s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 15, 'filtered' => 6.666666030883789, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] INSERT INTO `cmf_theme_file` (`theme` , `action` , `file` , `name` , `more` , `config_more` , `description` , `is_public` , `list_order`) VALUES ('dell' , 'portal/index/newsDetails' , 'portal/newsdetails' , '搜索页面' , '{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , '{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}' , '搜索模板文件' , 0 , 10) [ RunTime:0.002403s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/products' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000304s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 16, 'filtered' => 6.25, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='dell',`action`='portal/index/products',`file`='portal/products',`name`='搜索页面',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='搜索模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/products' [ RunTime:0.002214s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/qrcode' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000289s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 16, 'filtered' => 6.25, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='dell',`action`='portal/index/qrcode',`file`='portal/qrcode',`name`='搜索页面',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='搜索模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/qrcode' [ RunTime:0.002471s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/search' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000281s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 16, 'filtered' => 6.25, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme_file` SET `theme`='dell',`action`='portal/index/search',`file`='portal/search',`name`='搜索页面',`more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":{\"varName1\":{\"title\":\"\\u70ed\\u95e8\\u641c\\u7d22\",\"value\":\"1\",\"type\":\"text\",\"tip\":\"\\u8fd9\\u662f\\u4e00\\u4e2atext\",\"rule\":{\"require\":true}}}}',`description`='搜索模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/search' [ RunTime:0.002230s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' [ RunTime:0.000300s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 16, 'filtered' => 10.0, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] DELETE FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/aboutus' [ RunTime:0.002142s ]
[ SQL ] DELETE FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND `file` = 'portal/newsdetails' [ RunTime:0.002158s ]
[ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cmf_theme` [ RunTime:0.000696s ]
[ SQL ] UPDATE `cmf_theme` SET `name`='dell',`version`='1.0.2',`demo_url`='',`author`='dell',`lang`='zh-cn',`author_url`='',`keywords`='戴尔模板',`description`='戴尔模板' WHERE `theme` = 'dell' [ RunTime:0.002784s ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `cmf_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'dell' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/newsDetails' ) [ RunTime:0.000280s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => 'cmf_theme_file', 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => 'ALL', 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => 14, 'filtered' => 7.142856597900391, 'extra' => 'Using where', ) ]
[ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cmf_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'storage' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000400s ]
[ EXPLAIN : array ( 'id' => 1, 'select_type' => 'SIMPLE', 'table' => NULL, 'partitions' => NULL, 'type' => NULL, 'possible_keys' => NULL, 'key' => NULL, 'key_len' => NULL, 'ref' => NULL, 'rows' => NULL, 'filtered' => NULL, 'extra' => 'no matching row in const table', ) ]